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How Easy to Get Sponsored to Work in Austalia

How to get sponsorship jobs in Australia

The lucky (awesome) country is calling your name! It is true, getting sponsored is one of the best ways to get a job in Australia and can lead to immigration and then citizenship.

Unfortunately many people end up believing that sponsorship is too hard or that no jobs exist...

Yet many thousands get sponsored each year.

So how do you do it!?

The Real Deal (what no one else will tell you)

For many people already in Australia sponsorship is the best way to stay in Australia because there is a clear, well structured path to getting your Temporary Skill Shortage  (subclass 482) sponsorship visa which can lead to citizenship.

This visa replaced the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457 visa) March 2018 onwards, but it does the same thing, that is: "support businesses in addressing genuine skill shortages in their workforce".

There are three categories of the TSS visa. The short-term stream and medium-term stream TSS visas help Australian businesses sponsor skilled overseas as per actual skill shortages recorded in the combined skilled occupation list . Some Australian or overseas businesses also enter into Labour Agreements with the Australian government. This allows them to sponsor overseas workers to work for them in Australia in light of actual or potential skill shortages in the Australian workforce. If you are sponsored by such a registered employer, you will need to immigrate to Australia with a Labour Agreement stream TSS visa . You can also study while working if you hold a medium-term stream or Labour Agreement stream TSS visa (but without government support). Your family can also join you later on a S ubsequent Entrant visa.

Getting sponsored will remain a challenge, but depending on your experience the potential to get sponsored is still very real and makes a lot of sense for the Australian economy.

Lets take a look at what a successfully sponsored person has done:

1) They tapped into the sponsorship job market.  This is a big one that most people fail to understand. Only some employers are willing (or able) to sponsor. So even if there is a high demand for what you do, you need to find who these employers are (that is, a registered Standard Business Sponsor) . Just understanding this is a big first step. The next step is actually uncover the employers and the jobs that match your experience and whom can also sponsor you.

2) They are in Australia, or found a way to attend interviews. Despite technology that allows us to do video interviews and "meet online" - many employers still want to meet you before taking the plunge. Not to say this is a deal breaker, but if you are currently overseas waiting for "the call" then I am afraid you might be waiting a long time.

3) Looked attractive to Aussie employers. Sounds obvious, but most people seeking sponsorship get it completely wrong. It starts with the little things like your Resume (CV) and cover letter - these make a massive difference to your job search. The best example I can give of how this works is that of an employer who has 100 applications piled high on a desk. To read every page and every word would take days but the employer has much less time. They do the best they can, but in the end, they basically look for reasons NOT to read your application. This can be as simple as an overseas address or a CV that is too long. There are many more little things that can trip you up but successfully sponsored people follow a similar path.

Next Steps

The trick for you as an individual is to address all three elements of a successful job search.

To do this you need to:

- Tap into the sponsored jobs including thehidden job market

- Create a resume, cover letter and a plan that attracts Australian employers  (and doesn't get thrown in the bin)

- Understand how to uncover employers and get interviews

If this sounds like something you would find helpful

Click the video image below where you will meet Nadine who owns a service that unlocks the hidden job market, helps you to create a cover letter and resume andget interviews.

Key Points and Our Thoughts on the Video

Note: Nadine is working hard to make the transition from the 457 Visa to the new arrangement as easy as possible.

As you can see, there are a few things you need to get right in order to be successful at finding a sponsored job in Australia.

It can be a little overwhelming but thankfully help is at hand!

Download the 3 Tips PDF- We have included a transcript from the video with notes on how to make the most of the advice + a BONUS CV template.

Here are some of the key points that can make all the difference.

Hidden Job Market

One of the most important parts of finding a job is finding employers who are willing to sponsor is being able to tap into the hidden jobs market.

There is a really good reason for this - it is much easier for employers to find the right people through networking.

Your CV (or Resume as it is called in Australia)

Employers and recruitment consultants are busy people and unfortunately this is usually a huge disadvantage for people coming from overseas.

The hard truth is that faced with 100s applications to go through employers and recruiters applicants from overseas get put into the "too hard" basket.

The key is to put together a CV and cover letter that will win you the job.

Recruitment Consultants

While recruitment consultants are awesome people and can play a pivotal role in your job search there is a much bigger picture and you need to be a part of that.


The power of linkedin for a job search should not be underestimated. Knowing how to use it effectively as a tool in your job search toolbox can make all the difference.

Final Word

First let's be clear, not everyone can get sponsorship 482 TSS visa  (links to government website). But if you can, you will be rewarded with a 4 year visa ( generally 2 years, extendable up to 4 years; or as per the Labour Agreement of a sponsor with the Australian Government ) , you can bring family and travel in and out of Australia if that is what you decide to do.

Who can get sponsored?

- People with skills or professions that are in demand

- People who can speak conversational English (if you are from an English speak country you are probably exempt if not you will have to do IELTS)

- Financial means (enough to support yourself in Australia for a period of time) usually AUD$5,000)

Check out other visa options if you are not sure.

